How Much Does It Cost To Publish Book?

If you’re embarking on the exciting journey of publishing your book, it’s natural to wonder about the associated costs. Understanding these expenses is a crucial part of budgeting and planning for your book project. So, what’s the bottom line? How much does it cost to Publish book?

In reality, the cost of publishing a book can vary significantly, ranging from $0 to around $10,000. The total cost is influenced by various factors, such as your chosen publishing route, book format, and the specific services you opt to utilize. It’s important to delve into these details to get a better grasp of what your investment will cover during the different stages of the publishing process.

The cost of self-publishing a book can vary substantially:

The cost of self-publishing a book can vary substantially:

Primarily contingent on the level of quality and marketability you desire for your final product. On average, self-publishing expenses can span from $100 to approximately $5,000, offering a wide spectrum of choices to aspiring authors.

Let’s delve into a detailed cost breakdown to provide you with a precise understanding of what it takes to publish your book:

Editing Costs: 

Ensuring a professionally edited manuscript typically ranges from $300 to $3,000, depending on the extent of editing required.

Cover Design: 

An eye-catching book cover, a critical component, may cost anywhere from $50 to $1,500.


Proper formatting for both print and digital versions ranges from $100 to $1,000.

ISBN and Copyright: 

Acquiring an ISBN and copyright protection can amount to approximately $100 to $200.

Printing and Production: 

Expenses for printing hard copies can vary based on book length, design, and format, but generally fall between $2 to $5 per book.

Marketing and Promotion: 

Promotional costs can span from $100 to $2,000, depending on your strategies and goals.


Distributing your book to various platforms, such as Amazon or bookstores, may require an initial investment ranging from $0 to $250.

Traditional Publishing: 

The traditional publishing route is an alternative, with costs ranging from $0 to potential earnings from advances and royalties.

How much money does an author make per book? 

How much money does an author make per book? 

The financial aspects of being an author can vary significantly based on factors like publishing route and book sales. Here’s an in-depth exploration of author earnings:

Self-Published Authors: 

Those who choose to self-publish on Amazon can earn between $1 to $5 per book sold. The income depends on factors such as pricing strategy and the genre of the book.

Traditionally Published Authors: 

Traditional publishing typically yields lower royalties, ranging from $0.50 to $2 per book. Advances may be offered, but these need to be earned back through book sales before further royalties are paid.

Bestselling Authors: 

Established authors with a track record of bestsellers can secure substantial six-figure advances against future royalties. These advances serve as upfront payments and may or may not be exceeded by actual royalties earned.

While potential earnings vary, the joy of sharing one’s story with the world remains a motivating factor for authors.

How much does it cost to publish your first book? 

Publishing your debut book is an exciting journey with costs that can range from $300 to $3,000. The final expenses depend on the level of quality you desire for your book and the extent of marketing you wish to undertake.

It’s essential to recognize that the cost of self-publishing can fluctuate based on the specific genre of your work. By understanding these variables and planning accordingly, you can embark on your publishing adventure with confidence, knowing you’ve considered all potential expenses involved in bringing your literary creation to life.

What is the average cost to publish a book? 

What is the average cost to publish a book? 

The typical expenditure for self-publishing a top-notch book generally falls within the range of $2,000 to $4,000. However, authors often find themselves investing varying amounts, driven by their chosen marketing tactics and the extent of editing and proofreading services they seek.

In contrast, traditional publishing may initially appear to be light on costs, with expenses for editing, formatting, cover design, and proofreading typically covered by the publisher. Yet, authors may encounter marketing costs that span from $500 to $10,000 as they endeavor to promote their work effectively. It’s crucial to weigh these financial considerations when deciding between self-publishing and traditional publishing and to craft a budget that aligns with your specific publishing goals and strategies.

Do you have to pay to publish a book? 

Absolutely, there’s no need for a direct payment to a publisher to bring your book to the world. However, it’s crucial to be aware that there are inherent costs associated with the publication process. Authors generally bear the responsibility for financing vital services such as editing, cover design, and marketing.


Quality editing plays a pivotal role in ensuring your book shines brightly, free from errors. Skilled editors serve to refine your manuscript, enhance clarity, and elevate the entire reading experience. Editing fees can vary depending on the scope of necessary work.

Cover Design: 

A visually captivating cover is a cornerstone for drawing in readers. Investing in a professional cover designer is the key to crafting an eye-catching, marketable book cover that resonates deeply with your intended audience.


Effective marketing endeavors are imperative for connecting with your audience. Allocate a budget for promotional activities, encompassing book launches, advertising campaigns, and establishing an author platform to engage with readers.

Bear in mind that while these investments are part and parcel of the publishing journey, they significantly contribute to the overall triumph and visibility of your book in the fiercely competitive realm of literature.

What is the difference between a self-published book and a traditionally published book?

What is the difference between a self-published book and a traditionally published book?

Self-published books are the creation of independent authors who take charge of the entire publishing process. Authors are responsible for financing editing, formatting, proofreading, and covering design expenses.

On the other hand, traditionally published books find their way to readers through established publishing houses, traditional publishing services, or smaller imprints. In this scenario, the publishing company shoulders the financial burden of editing, formatting, proofreading, and cover design. However, it’s important to note that their involvement in marketing assistance is often limited, despite their support in retailer distribution.

This demarcation highlights the differing responsibilities between self-published and traditionally published authors in navigating the intricate world of publishing.

Publishing Costs By Book Genre

If we take $3,000 as the benchmark for the average cost of self-publishing a book, it’s helpful to explore how various genres may deviate from this standard. Here’s a breakdown of genres that might incur higher or lower costs compared to the typical book:

Nonfiction Books: 

Nonfiction books come with their unique demands, including indexing and rigorous fact-checking. As a result, the overall cost for producing a nonfiction book may be approximately $1,000 higher than that of an average novel.

Historical Fiction: 

The historical fiction genre often necessitates thorough fact-checking and Editing efforts, leading to an estimated cost increase of $300 to $500 when compared to other novels.

Science Fiction/Fantasy: 

These genres often feature longer narratives, with some novels reaching around 120,000 words or more. Longer content translates to increased editing, formatting, and proofreading expenses, potentially elevating the total publishing costs by about $1,000.

Children’s Books: 

While the word count in children’s books is typically lower, editing rates tend to be higher per word. The inclusion of illustrations can significantly add to the costs, with illustrators charging substantial fees and often sharing royalties. Consequently, the initial expenses for publishing a children’s book might only slightly surpass those of an average novel, but authors can expect their royalties to be shared with the illustrator, extending the time needed to recover the investment.

Comic Books: 

Comic books may enjoy reduced editing costs in general. However, the considerable expense lies in the compensation for illustrators, who often share royalties. Similar to children’s books, the editing costs for comic books may be lower, but profits are divided between authors and illustrators.

By examining these genre-specific considerations, authors can make informed choices about the financial aspects of self-publishing and better plan their budget for publishing endeavors.

Steps In Publishing A Book

Steps In Publishing A Book

Once you’ve completed the initial draft of your book, the journey to publishing unfolds with a series of essential steps, each playing a crucial role in bringing your work to readers. Here’s an overview of these steps, along with associated costs:


Begin by meticulously reviewing your book twice, making necessary edits as you go. This invaluable self-editing process is cost-free, allowing you to refine your work.

Beta Readers: 

Share your manuscript with beta readers who provide valuable feedback. Incorporate their insights into your book through another round of editing, which is also a complimentary phase.

Professional Editing: 

To achieve a polished final product, consider hiring a professional editor. Editing costs typically range from $1,000 to $2,000, depending on your book’s length.

Indexing (For Nonfiction): 

If you’ve authored a nonfiction work, book indexing becomes important. Indexing services typically cost between $70 and $500.


Preparing your book for publication involves formatting. You have the option to undertake do-it-yourself formatting, incurring costs of $0 to $250, along with a substantial time investment. Alternatively, you can engage a professional book formatter, with fees ranging from $50 to $1,000.

Book Cover Design: 

A captivating book cover is essential. The investment in a skilled book cover designer can range from $299 to $2,000. It’s important to note that, if you’re planning to sell print books, book cover design should follow formatting, as the spine’s dimensions influence its design. For eBooks, the order is flexible.

Book Marketing: 

Effective book marketing is a continuous effort, commencing before your book’s completion and extending long after its release. A spectrum of budget-friendly marketing solutions is available, with costs typically ranging from $200 to $2,000 for various tactics.

ISBN Purchase: 

While most eBooks may not require ISBNs, all print books do. Bulk ISBNs can be obtained for $29.50, while individual purchases are priced at $125.


Engage a professional proofreader, whose meticulous review ensures every letter and punctuation mark is correctly placed. Proofreading marks the final stage before publishing, with costs typically falling between $500 and $1,000.

Amazon Publishing: 

The exhilarating moment of publishing your book on Amazon is absolutely free, allowing your creation to reach a global audience.

Each step in this process contributes to the creation of a high-quality, market-ready book, reflecting your dedication and passion as an author.

Cost Of Book Editing

Investing in a proficient editor for your book is crucial to ensuring both its quality and audience appeal. The price of editing might range from $200 to $2,000. Even while the range of costs can appear high, keep in mind that the quality of the work is significantly affected by the experience and commitment of the editor you employ. Sometimes, you can get funds by looking into special offerings or making contacts within the community.

Hiring a professional editor is a must since even small typos, grammatical mistakes, or missed words can turn off readers and damage the reputation of the work you produce. A skilled editor is essential to improving your work’s overall impact and readability.

Cost Of Indexing A Book

An index is a valuable reference section found at the back of a book, aiding readers in swiftly locating specific information within its pages. Indexing a book is thoughtful With costs that can range from $50 to $2,000, depending on the book’s length. Typically, budgeting around $500 is reasonable for a professional indexer’s service.

I strongly recommend incorporating an index in your book, particularly if it falls under the nonfiction category. Fiction books, on the other hand, seldom require an index.

For those inclined to take on indexing themselves, affordable software solutions like PDF Index Generator offer a convenient option. You can explore their functionality through a free trial before opting for their indexing software, priced at $69.95.

Alternatively, there is the choice to enlist a book indexing service, such as Brookfield Indexing (available in North America), with fees ranging from $3 to $6 per page. These services efficiently and accurately craft comprehensive book indexes, enhancing the reader’s experience and the book’s overall value.

Cost To Format A Book

Formatting your book is a crucial step, in ensuring its visual appeal and readability. The good news is that it needn’t break the bank. DIY book formatting software is available at prices ranging from $0 to $249.99. Alternatively, professional book formatting services can be an investment of up to $1,000. Some services offer bundled deals with book cover design, potentially saving you money.

The importance of formatting cannot be overstated, as it encompasses elements like margins, headers, typesetting, page numbers, and spacing. An unprofessional appearance in any of these areas can deter readers, potentially leading to negative reviews and word-of-mouth criticisms.

If you possess technical skills and ample time, book formatting software like Atticus or Vellum can be an ideal choice. Master the software and dedicate yourself to formatting your eBook (and print book, if applicable) until it achieves perfection.

For those who may not be detail-oriented or are pressed for time, hiring a professional book formatter is a more expensive but efficient option. This ensures a professionally formatted book and saves valuable time.

It’s worth noting that book formatting is occasionally referred to as interior design on certain platforms. If you’re pursuing a traditional publishing route, professional formatting may be required when submitting your manuscript to literary agents, but self-publishers have more flexibility in this regard.

Cost of DIY book formatting software:

When it comes to book formatting, you’re presented with a range of software options, each offering its own set of unique features. Let’s explore some of these choices:

Atticus – Priced at $139.99, Atticus is already accessible to Kindlepreneur email subscribers and will be officially launched to the public on July 19th. You can enjoy early access by joining our email list.

Vellum – Vellum is available within the price range of $199.99 to $249.99.

Adobe InDesign – This professional-grade software is offered at a monthly rate of $19.99. It’s worth noting that it may have a learning curve, making it more suitable for those experienced with advanced design tools.

Scrivener – Priced at $49, Scrivener is another software choice, similar to Adobe InDesign in that it may require some learning.

Microsoft Word – For $139, Microsoft Word provides a user-friendly “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” formatting feature, making it accessible to a broad range of users.

Jutoh – Jutoh is available for purchase at $45.

Reedsy Book Editor – Reedsy offers a free book editing tool, though it might not offer the same level of depth as some paid alternatives.

Kindle Create – Kindle Create is another free option, delivering basic formatting tools. It’s suitable for those seeking simplicity, though it might lack the advanced customization of paid software.

Moreover, if you opt to undertake your own book formatting, there are numerous templates you can download from sources like IngramSpark, Microsoft, and various other websites. These templates are valuable To assist you in achieving an aesthetically pleasing book layout.

Cost of book formatting services:

Certainly, when it comes to eBook formatting and design services, you have an array of options, each offering distinct features and pricing flexibility:

1. Ebook Launch: 

Offering services in the range of $50 to $1,000, they provide cost-effective solutions for enhancing your eBook’s visual appeal.

2. Damonza: 

Priced between $200 and $300, Damonza offers expertise in eBook formatting and design to give your digital creation a polished and marketable look.

3. Word-2-Kindle: 

With pricing ranging from $50 to $1,000, Word-2-Kindle ensures you have the flexibility to cater to your specific eBook formatting needs.

4. BookBaby: 

Beginning at $399, BookBaby offers comprehensive eBook services, guaranteeing your eBook stands out professionally in the digital landscape.

5. Fiverr: 

With variable and flexible pricing, Fiverr provides a wide range of budget-friendly options for eBook formatting and design services.

6. Upwork: 

Similar to Fiverr, Upwork offers variable and flexible pricing options, allowing you to work closely with skilled freelancers to achieve the eBook look you desire.

Selecting the right service depends on your budget and the level of expertise you seek, ensuring your eBook is both visually captivating and professionally presented.

Cost Of Cover Design

It’s essential to consider hiring a professional book cover designer unless you possess advanced graphic design skills. The cost of book cover design can range from $200 to $3,000, and you can find outstanding designs for under $1,000.

Your book cover serves as your primary marketing tool, especially on platforms like Amazon. It’s the first thing potential readers see in search results. An unprofessional cover may deter them. Factors that influence the cost of book cover design include:

Complexity of the design.

Detailed character illustrations.

Number of editing rounds.

Ebook and print cover design.

Custom designs from experienced artists.

For those who prefer a DIY approach, options like Adobe InDesign, Canva, or Book Brush are available. Alternatively, various services offer professional book cover design:

Ebook Launch: $497 to $595.

Damonza: Starting at $645.

Jeff Brown Graphics: From $2,000 (requires a $50 deposit for new clients).

BookBaby: Starting at $299.

Fiverr: Offers variable and flexible pricing.

Upwork: Provides variable and flexible rates.

Reedsy Marketplace: Offers a range of pricing options, tailored to your needs.

Typically, these services require a 50% upfront payment, with the remainder due upon your final design approval. Investing in a captivating cover is a crucial step in attracting readers and ensuring your book stands out.

Cost of Book Marketing 

Book marketing expenses can vary widely, with options ranging from $0 to $10,000, depending on your preferences and budget. It’s essential to remember that marketing your book and building your author brand is crucial, even if your investment is primarily time and effort.

For new authors, an initial marketing budget of under $300 is common. As you continue publishing and expanding your readership, it’s advisable to allocate a more significant budget to your marketing efforts.

Consider these cost-effective marketing strategies:

Create a professional Facebook page for both your book and your author persona.

Share engaging and relevant images on your Instagram and other social media profiles, exploring the power of author-specific hashtags.

Collaborate with book reviewers who may offer to review your book without charges and share their insights with their audience.

Participate in online communities like subreddits and Facebook groups related to your book’s genre, subtly mentioning your work when appropriate.

Craft a compelling book description that combines an intriguing premise with professional writing.

Engage beta readers who can post Amazon reviews when your book is released, helping to spread the word among their contacts.

Attend social gatherings and discuss your book humbly with those you meet.

Some local bookstores may permit authors to host signings without fees.

Send press releases about your book’s launch to local newspapers and TV stations, as they may be interested in featuring your story.

However, if you aim to reach a broad audience, you should consider certain expenses:

1. Amazon ads: 

A minimum daily budget of $1 (typically $100-$1,000 per campaign).

Facebook ads: Ranging from $20 to $1,000.

BookBub featured deal (if available): Priced between $113 and $3,984.

Author website: Monthly costs vary from $20 to $1,000.

Author business cards: Expenses ranging from $20 to $200.

Professional book reviewers for in-depth reviews: Costs usually between $100 and $600.

Email service for managing your essential email list: Typically $100 to $1,000.

For more in-depth insights into book marketing costs, you can explore my comprehensive article, “Book Marketing 101.” Remember that your investment in marketing is an essential part of promoting your book effectively.

Other Costs In Publishing A Book

Several Expenses may be associated with the book publishing process:

ISBN Registration: Costs range from $29.50 to $125. For detailed information on obtaining your ISBN, you can refer to this article.

1. Proofreader: 

Budget around $500 to $1,000, which typically translates to $0.01 to $0.02 per word for a thorough proofreading service.

2. Ebook Aggregator or Distribution: 

This expense can vary from $20 to $300 if you plan to publish your book across multiple platforms for wider distribution.

3. Author Headshot: 

The cost can range from $0 to $1,000 for professional author headshots.

4. Audiobook Production: 

If you intend to create an audiobook, anticipate costs between $3,000 and $8,000 for production.

5. DIY Printing or Print-on-Demand Services (POD): 

DIY printing expenses or using print-on-demand services typically amount to $4 to $14 per printed book. When exclusively publishing through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), printing costs are deducted from your royalties per book, relieving you of direct printing expenses.

These supplementary costs play a role in ensuring your book’s quality, accessibility, and marketability. Keep in mind that these expenses are part of the overall investment in bringing your book to its readers.

The Bottom Line

What is the typical expenditure for publishing a book in the United States? Generally, the expense of publishing a book in the United States falls within the range of $500 to $5,000. This cost is primarily associated with essential services like hiring an editor, securing book design services, and executing effective marketing strategies.

On average, self-publishing a book requires an investment of around $2,000, covering both the publishing and marketing aspects. For new authors, the initial book often incurs lower costs, while subsequent books allow for a larger budget allocation.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? You’re in good company. Kindlepreneur’s Book Marketing Show podcast offers valuable insights from experts on effectively marketing your book. As your book garners increased sales, these investments in editing, design, and marketing prove to be worthwhile. Here’s to the success of your finished work!

FAQS About How Much Does It Cost To Publish Book?

How much does it cost to publish a book on average?

On average, the cost to publish a book typically ranges from $500 to $5,000. This budget includes expenses for various aspects of the publishing process.

What factors influence the cost of publishing a book?

The cost of publishing a book can be influenced by several factors, such as the level of editing required, book design services, marketing efforts, and whether it’s your first or subsequent book.

Can I publish a book with a limited budget?

Yes, you can publish a book on a limited budget. There are cost-effective options and do-it-yourself approaches for authors looking to minimize expenses.

What are some cost-saving tips for self-publishing authors?

Self-publishing authors can save costs by learning to do some tasks themselves, like formatting and cover design. Utilizing free or low-cost marketing methods can also help reduce expenses.

Are there hidden costs in the publishing process?

While the major costs include editing, design, and marketing, authors should also consider expenses like ISBN registration, author headshots, and ebook distribution fees.


The cost of publishing a book can vary widely, with an average range of $500 to $5,000. This budget encompasses essential elements like editing, design, and marketing, but authors have the flexibility to tailor their expenses based on their goals.

It’s important to note that while cost influences the quality and marketability of a book, the ultimate success of a book depends on factors beyond its price tag, such as content, reader engagement, and effective promotion. Authors should consider their budget as an investment in their literary journey, aimed at sharing their stories with the world.

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