Becoming a pilot is a dream shared by many, fueled by the allure of soaring through the skies and experiencing the world from a unique perspective. However, as with any aspiration, the question that often looms large in the minds of those contemplating this journey is, “How much does it cost to become a pilot?”

The path to obtaining a pilot’s license involves various expenses, from flight training to licensing fees and aircraft rental, making it crucial for aspiring aviators to understand the financial investment required to turn their dreams of taking flight into a reality. In this exploration, we will delve into the various factors that contribute to the overall cost of becoming a pilot and offer insights into the financial considerations one must take into account when embarking on this exhilarating adventure.

What is the Investment for Flight School?

What is the Investment for Flight School?

It’s a query that naturally arises in the minds of prospective students, and understandably so, considering the premium nature of flight training. As previously mentioned, for those embarking on this journey without prior experience, the entirety of the flight training program, beautifully coined as the “Zero Time to Airline” program, is attainable at a valuation of $99,000.

However, if your aspirations are geared more towards a different facet of aviation and not necessarily the pursuit of a professional pilot career, you might be inclined to inquire about the delicate intricacies of investment for each specific certificate and rating. In the ensuing discourse, we shall gracefully delineate the average expenditure affiliated with achieving each certificate and rating indispensable for flourishing in the realm of a commercial pilot.

Exploring Flight Training Financing

Exploring Flight Training Financing

Embarking on your journey with Thrust Flight training holds the promise of numerous partnership opportunities to aid in financing your aspirations. Among the options frequented by most students is the seamless avenue offered by Sallie Mae, affording the means to gracefully cover the entirety of expenses tied to the captivating Zero Time to Airline program. However, if your engagement leans towards a more specialized training path, it’s important to acknowledge that the spectrum of financing avenues might appear more restrained.

Initiate the voyage towards manifesting your dreams by commencing your Sallie Mae application today. Your soaring ambitions await.

Investment Breakdown for Private Pilot Certificate, Commercial Certificate, and Additional Ratings

Investment Breakdown for Private Pilot Certificate, Commercial Certificate, and Additional Ratings

We graciously present you with a gentle overview of the potential investment range for each individual certificate and rating, carefully curated to suit your unique aspirations. It is important to note that the comprehensive Zero Time to Airline program encompasses all of these enriching milestones. The time frame we propose for completion revolves around full-time training, ensuring an immersive experience of at least 5 days per week dedicated to your progress.

Estimated Investment Range Anticipated Duration

Private Pilot Certificate $17,000-$24,000                                               1-2 Months

Instrument Rating             $20,000-$24,000                                               1-2 Months

Commercial Certificate $24,000-$27,000                                               1-2 Months

Certified Flight Instructor $5,000-$8,000                                                           1 Month

Certified Flight Instructor Instrument                                   $5,000-$8,000            1 Month

Multi-Engine Add On (including 25 hours of flight time) $15,000-$18,000 2 Weeks

We are delighted to illuminate these possibilities for your journey towards aviation excellence. Your dreams, beautifully realized, in a span that aligns with your commitment.

The Intricacies of Pilot Training Expenses

Navigating the realm of pilot training expenses unveils a tapestry woven with essential elements that intricately shape the investment required to embark on this soaring journey. Central to these considerations are the pillars of aircraft rental and flight instructor time, which play a symphonic role in orchestrating the financial outlay needed to transform aspirations into aviator achievements. Let us delve into the depths of each facet, uncovering the nuances that make them pivotal in crafting the cost framework of becoming a pilot.

Aircraft Rental: The Wings of Investment

Aircraft Rental: The Wings of Investment

Embarking on the path of a pilot inevitably involves the ethereal dance with aircraft, encapsulating the heart and soul of flight training. The aircraft rental dimension of pilot training costs embodies a delicate balance between access to high-performance machines and the corresponding financial arrangement. Every hour spent in the cockpit translates into an investment towards mastering the skies, with each aircraft type carrying its own valuation. As you soar through the skies, you invest not only in hours logged but in the profound experience that each aircraft imparts, forging your journey into an artistry of aviation.

Flight Instructor Time: Nurturing Aviator Proficiency

The mentorship and guidance of a skilled flight instructor are the wind beneath the wings of pilot proficiency. Their time, a treasure trove of knowledge, patience, and expertise, becomes an invaluable investment in shaping a novice into a skilled aviator. Each session, a symposium of learning, marks the fusion of theory and practice under the watchful guidance of a seasoned hand. The cost associated with flight instructor time encapsulates the dedication they bring to fostering your growth, allowing you to unfurl your potential against the ever-changing canvas of the skies.

Essential Supplies: Anchors of Preparedness

Beyond the captivating dance with aircraft and the enlightening tutelage of instructors, lies the realm of essential supplies. In the inception of your journey, these basic provisions unfurl a foundation of preparedness and professionalism. These supplies, often overlooked yet inherently vital, range from study materials and navigation tools to safety equipment that ensure you’re both intellectually and physically fortified for the rigors of flight training. Each purchase, a tangible investment in your commitment to learning and safety, weaves a tapestry of preparedness that accompanies you through each lesson.

In the grand tapestry of becoming a pilot, these foundational elements intertwine to craft the cost structure that underpins your ascent. With each flight hour and mentorship session, you invest in expertise and artistry, while the acquisition of supplies signifies your dedication to a path well traveled. As you embark on this aerial odyssey, remember that every investment is a brushstroke on the canvas of your soaring dreams, a testament to your determination and passion for conquering the skies.

Elevating Excellence: The Crucial Role of Supplies in Pilot Training

Elevating Excellence: The Crucial Role of Supplies in Pilot Training

In the grand tapestry of pilot training, the role of supplies stands as a cornerstone, weaving a narrative of preparation, proficiency, and professionalism. With each certificate or rating sought, a curated collection of textbooks, charts, and essential supplies forms an ensemble that empowers aspirants to navigate the skies with confidence and precision. Delve with us into the vibrant spectrum of pilot supplies, from the foundational necessities to the specialized tools that adorn the journey of an aviator.

Foundational Necessities: Equipping for Exploration

The journey of a pilot commences with the acquisition of foundational supplies that lay the groundwork for a seamless exploration of the skies. As you embark on this exhilarating odyssey, pilot gear emerges as an ally that caters to both comfort and functionality. A headset, your auditory portal to communication, noise reduction, and seamless engagement with air traffic control, becomes an extension of your senses. Complementing this, a kneeboard offers a haven for charts, checklists, and notes, ensuring swift access to vital information during flight. Harmonizing form and function, the flight computer orchestrates calculations and flight planning, seamlessly aiding your decision-making processes. All these elements amalgamate to empower you as you navigate the skies.

Professionalism in Accoutrements: The Pilot’s Arsenal

Beyond the rudiments, pilot supplies also encompass an arsenal of accouterments that speak to professionalism and preparedness. The pilot bag, a symbol of organization and mobility, houses your tools of the trade, ensuring swift accessibility when the skies beckon. A fuel tester, a modest yet vital tool, assumes the role of guardian by ensuring the quality of fuel before it propels you skyward. These elements encapsulate a commitment to readiness and safe practices, epitomizing the essence of a responsible aviator.

The Legacy of Durability: An Investment for Years

While the acquisition of supplies is an upfront investment, their enduring value weaves a narrative of longevity. The carefully selected pilot gear, once procured, becomes a steadfast companion through the years, accompanying you on your journey of growth and proficiency. Each piece, a testament to your dedication, encapsulates the spirit of aviation in its form and function. As you progress through your training and endeavors, these supplies stand as a reminder of the miles you’ve covered and the horizons you’ve expanded.

The Embrace of Zero Time to Airline Program

For those embarking on the captivating journey through the Zero Time to Airline program, a unique grace unfurls. The program extends a welcoming embrace, encapsulating the costs of these essential supplies within its comprehensive structure. This thoughtfully crafted inclusion ensures that aspiring aviators can focus their energies on learning, growth, and skill development, unburdened by the immediate concerns of supply acquisition.

In the symphony of becoming a pilot, the orchestra of supplies harmonizes with your aspirations, each element a note that contributes to the melody of your journey. From the foundational necessities to the enduring accoutrements, and the thoughtful provisions of specialized programs, each facet reflects the dedication and passion you infuse into your path. As you embark on this voyage of mastery, remember that each supply holds the promise of enhancing your aviation experience, preparing you to soar with skill and confidence through the boundless skies.

Exploring Aircraft Rental: A Gentle Unveiling of the Process

Exploring Aircraft Rental: A Gentle Unveiling of the Process

Embarking upon the captivating realm of aircraft rental presents an experience delicately intertwined with considerations of convenience and cost-efficiency. Within this ballet of flight, pricing structures and modes of billing emerge as instrumental in shaping the journey. Allow us to accompany you on this graceful journey, where aircraft rates become the brushstrokes that paint the canvas of your aviation aspirations.

Rates that Resonate: An Hourly Symphony

The choreography of aircraft rates unfolds as an hourly symphony, carefully composed to resonate with your flight ambitions. Each hour takes center stage, its value meticulously calculated to the nearest tenth, harmonizing cost transparency with value offered. This allows aspiring aviators to engage with clarity, understanding the investment entailed for each step taken towards the sky. The dual dance of hourly billing ensures an embrace of flexibility and fair pricing.

Wet or Dry: Choices to Suit Your Soaring

Within this choreographed journey, the choice between wet and dry billing emerges as a soft crescendo. The canvas of aircraft rental extends the option of an all-inclusive experience, where the cost envelops not only the aircraft’s usage but also the symphony of fuel. Alternatively, the canvas shifts to a ‘dry’ mode, where the student becomes the steward of fuel payments, contributing to the partnership that propels them skyward. This choice resonates with individual preferences, aligning the rhythm of rental with personal inclinations.

The Poetry of Hobbs Time: Time in Motion

Every journey possesses a poetic essence, and within aircraft rental, Hobbs time orchestrates this poetic dance. This timekeeper, intertwined with the aircraft’s heartbeat, marks the journey’s inception and culmination with the rhythm of the engine’s operation. As you take flight, each minute etched on the Hobbs meter translates into a step forward on your aviation expedition. It is an embodiment of the eloquent synergy between time and motion, where moments in the air are elegantly accounted for.

The Tapestry of Variability: Plane Types and Pricing

As we venture deeper into the intricacies, the tapestry of variability unfurls through the lens of aircraft types. The stage of aircraft rental hosts a diverse cast, from larger, intricate planes to their smaller counterparts. This diversity in the ensemble is mirrored in pricing, with larger aircraft commanding a higher operational cost, as they perform intricate maneuvers in the realm of aviation. Contrastingly, the nimble grace of smaller planes enhances the value proposition, offering an enchanting journey for a lower investment.

In this symphony of aircraft rental, each note of pricing resonates with a promise – a promise of exploration, skill development, and a soaring partnership. As you glide through the skies, the aircraft rates transform into more than numbers; they are echoes of your aspirations given wings. The journey becomes an exquisite dance, where each decision – wet or dry billing, the poetic embrace of Hobbs time, and the choice of plane – contributes to the melodic rise of your flight dreams.

Guiding Light: The Elegance of Flight Instructor Time

Guiding Light: The Elegance of Flight Instructor Time

Embarking on the journey of aviation mastery involves a graceful partnership with flight instructors, who are the architects of your aerial dreams. Within this realm, the notion of flight instructor time unveils itself as a gentle balance between the hours spent in the air and the invaluable moments shared on solid ground. Allow us to illuminate this symbiotic connection, where instruction becomes a melody that harmonizes both flight and preparation.

Hourly Investment in Wisdom

The currency of flight instructor time is measured in hours, an investment that transcends the mere passage of minutes. As you ascend into the skies under their sagacious guidance, the clock becomes a compass, charting your progress in the vast expanse. The cost of instruction extends not only to the hours spent airborne but also embraces the wisdom shared in pre-flight and post-flight ground instruction. This holistic approach encapsulates the comprehensive support that nurtures your growth as an aviator.

Preparation as a Prelude: Ground-Only Instruction

The journey of flight instruction is marked not only by flights themselves but also by moments dedicated solely to groundwork. These interludes are akin to tuning instruments before a grand performance, aligning your knowledge and skills with the soaring heights you aspire to reach. Ground-only instruction, a chapter within the instruction odyssey, unveils itself occasionally, poised to prepare you for the challenges of exams and checkrides. Each session becomes a moment of refining, a period of focused attention that refines your understanding and strengthens your expertise.

Instructors as Beacons: Experiences and Expertise

Every instructor is a beacon, a guiding light that illuminates the path to proficiency. Their hourly investment extends far beyond mere minutes; it encompasses the wealth of experiences and expertise that they selflessly share. As you partake in the intricacies of in-flight maneuvers or delve into the intricacies of aviation theory, each moment resonates with their dedication to shaping you into a skilled and confident pilot. The investment in flight instructor time is an investment in yourself, a commitment to embracing their wisdom as you navigate the journey.

A Symphony of Skill and Care

The currency exchanged for flight instructor time is not just monetary; it’s an exchange of care, expertise, and a shared passion for flight. It’s a symphony where the crescendo of takeoffs and landings blends seamlessly with the softer notes of pre-flight discussions and post-flight debriefs. This symphony creates a harmonious rhythm, guiding you towards your goals while instilling a profound understanding of aviation principles.

In the world of aviation, every hour spent with a flight instructor becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of your proficiency. With each investment, you are not only gaining technical skills but also nurturing a bond of mentorship that elevates your journey. The flight instructor time you embrace is an investment in your aviation future, a tribute to the shared dedication towards realizing your dreams amidst the boundless skies.

Investment in Pilot Examinations: Navigating Costs with Grace

Within the voyage of becoming an accomplished pilot lies the chapter of pilot examinations, a rite of passage that blends evaluation with aspiration. The financial aspect of these assessments unveils itself as a modest investment in the pursuit of aviation excellence. Let’s embark on a journey to understand the tender nuances of the cost structure, where the commitment to your dreams is delicately balanced with the practicalities of expenses.

The Written Odyssey: A Fee for Knowledge

Stepping into the realm of written exams bears with it a fee, a tender token that opens the doors to knowledge validation. As you prepare to prove your understanding of aviation’s intricacies, the FAA testing center serves as the gateway to this endeavor. The fee, an invitation to showcase your theoretical grasp, hovers around $150, an investment that echoes across your aviation journey. While it resonates as a financial contribution, it symbolizes a greater commitment to intellectual growth and aviation comprehension.

Practical Skies and Examiner’s Wisdom

The practical exam, a culmination of skill and wisdom, unfurls as an exquisite moment within your aviation narrative. Guiding you through this journey is the designated pilot examiner (DPE), a custodian of expertise who extends their wings to mentor and evaluate. As you spread your wings during the check ride, their time becomes an investment in your growth. The cost of this mentorship is as diverse as the regions you traverse, fluctuating between $700 and $1,200. This range of investment reflects the exquisite blend of the DPE’s insight and your soaring ambitions.

Navigating with Prudence: A Tender Balance

As you navigate the terrains of pilot examinations, prudence guides your path. The investment in these assessments isn’t solely financial; it’s a contribution towards your aviation journey’s mosaic. It’s a nod to the years of knowledge that culminate in the written exam, and a tribute to the mentorship that propels you during the practical checkride. Each dollar invested symbolizes the dedication you pour into realizing your dreams amidst the skies.

A Tapestry of Commitment

Consider the cost of pilot exams as threads woven into the tapestry of your aviation odyssey. The written exam fee embroiders the canvas of your intellectual curiosity, while the DPE’s charges interlace with your practical pursuit of mastery. It’s a tapestry that carries your dedication and aspirations, showcasing the delicate dance between investment and achievement.

In the grand symphony of your journey, pilot exams emerge as interludes of introspection and validation. As you invest in these milestones, remember that each dollar echoes with the melodies of your dedication, preparing you to soar not only through the skies but also through the annals of aviation history.

Cost of Obtaining Your Private Pilot License

Embarking on the journey to attain your private pilot license is a captivating endeavor divided into three enchanting phases of training. In the preliminary stage prior to your solo flights, you’ll immerse yourself in the essential skills and knowledge required for safe and confident piloting. This period culminates in a momentous solo flight around the bustling traffic pattern, marking a significant milestone.

Transitioning gracefully into the cross-country phase, you’ll delve deeper into the art of navigation and the seamless interplay between distant airstrips. The final stretch of the course is a harmonious symphony of practical exam readiness. Here, you’ll skillfully weave together all the proficiencies acquired, reaching a crescendo in your checkride—a captivating two-part practical examination. This journey includes a thoughtfully conducted oral dialogue, succeeded by a flight evaluation that showcases your mastery in the cockpit.

The esteemed guidelines of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) graciously delineate that the minimal requisite flight hours for obtaining a private pilot certificate rest at 35 hours within the context of Part 141 training, or 40 hours following the path of Part 61 (Discern the nuances between Part 141 and Part 61). However, it’s worth noting that the prevailing national average gracefully extends to approximately 70 hours. This graceful deviation from the regulatory minimums signifies the dedication and thoroughness most aspiring aviators embrace on their odyssey.

As you embark on this journey, it’s prudent to consider the investment involved. The alluring prospect of a private pilot license, inclusive of 35 hours of meticulously guided flight training, bestows upon you a modest investment of around $12,000. Your path to the skies awaits, adorned with knowledge, finesse, and a touch of elegance.

Exploring the Investment in an Instrument Rating

Embarking upon the path of acquiring an instrument rating brings forth a journey that harmoniously echoes the cadence of the private pilot’s expedition.

Within this captivating journey, there awaits the pursuit of triumph through a written examination an opportunity for which many aviation enthusiasts opt to participate in a structured ground school, an enclave of knowledge and preparation. For some, the allure of an online instrument ground school beckons. In this meticulous process, a curated span of 35 to 40 hours of comprehensive training beckons, elegantly divided into a series of transformative phases. As this transformative voyage reaches its zenith, akin to the private pilot license, a moment of reckoning presents itself in the form of a practical examination, a symphony composed of an oral assessment of acumen and a ballet of adeptness in the realm of practical flight skills.

The cost entailed in embracing this voyage towards mastery is graced with an estimated magnitude. The embrace of an instrument rating, a treasure trove of 21 hours spent within the embrace of the G1000-equipped Cessna 172SP and 14 hours of dual tutelage within the immersive RedBird full-motion simulator, is a venture that extends to approximately $12,000. As you chart this course of elevation, envision not merely the financial aspect but the harmonious orchestration of skill and knowledge that shall elevate you skyward.

Embracing the Investment in a Commercial Pilot Journey

Embarking upon the path of a commercial pilot’s journey is a captivating venture, one that presents a fusion of passion and proficiency.

As you consider the financial aspect of this voyage, you’ll find the estimated total cost for attaining a commercial pilot license to be approximately $24,000. The intricate tapestry of training flights required to meet the regulatory requisites dances with diversity, each flight imbued with its own unique essence. To navigate this mosaic of requirements, I encourage you to forge a harmonious partnership with a seasoned flight instructor. Their guidance will be your beacon as you traverse this captivating phase of your aviation odyssey.

Elevating Your Skillset with a Multi-Engine Rating

Embarking on the enchanting journey of acquiring a multi-engine rating is a delightful choice, one that opens avenues of growth and excellence across various tiers of pilot certification–be it private, commercial, or ATP. Many aviators opt to weave this accomplishment seamlessly into their portfolio, enhancing their expertise, particularly as an augmentation to their commercial certificate.

Within this captivating course, you’ll partake in an elegantly curated sequence of roughly ten hours of dual instruction, all within the embrace of a multiengine airplane. To acquaint you with the nuances of this new aerial partner, a gentle five-hour ground instruction will swiftly bring you abreast of the intricacies of the aircraft’s systems and the graceful dynamics of multiengine flight.

As you navigate the financial aspect of this enriching endeavor, the estimated total investment for the multi-engine rating, entwined with seven hours of soaring in the Piper Seminole, warmly extends to approximately $5,000. Should your aspirations lead you toward the skies as an airline pilot, a mosaic of 25 hours in the realm of multiengine flight shall be your goal, accompanied by an investment of about $15,000. This investment is not merely financial, but a pledge toward the elevation of your aeronautical prowess and the broadening of your horizons in the realm of aviation.

Guiding Others through the Skies: Flight Instructor Training

Embarking on the path of flight instructor training is an enchanting odyssey that places a gentle emphasis on the art of imparting knowledge. This chapter of your aviation journey entails a harmonious blend of ground training, where the focus is on sharing your accumulated wisdom rather than mastering new maneuvers or aircraft systems. A sense of accomplishment blossoms as you cultivate a profound understanding of the material, a level of mastery that enables you to elegantly convey it to others.

Within this voyage, you’ll encounter two written examinations that weave a tapestry of insight for your role as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). The first, known as the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI), gracefully delves into the realm of fundamental teaching techniques, the psychology of learners, artful communication, and the orchestration of lessons and curricula. The second examination, the Flight Instructor-Airplane exam, mirrors the structure of the commercial pilot aeronautical knowledge exam. Both of these examinations, gateways to your instructional journey, bear a cost of approximately $150 each, a small investment for the grandeur of wisdom they unlock.

As you soar through this transformation, you’ll find yourself spending around ten serene hours in flight, embodying the role of an instructor. For those embarking upon the path of acquiring a single-engine airplane rating, the embrace of spin training might also be a part of your passage.

In terms of investment, the allure of becoming a CFI presents a range of approximately $4,000 to $7,000. It’s important to note that if you choose to embark upon a 141 CFI program, renowned for its structured flight requirements, a greater investment is to be expected. This financial commitment, however, pales in comparison to the profound impact you shall have as you guide the aspirations of others through the boundless skies of aviation.

Embarking on the Path of an Airline Transport Pilot

Embarking on the journey toward becoming an airline transport pilot (ATP) is akin to crafting a symphony of experience and dedication, where each note resonates with a commitment to excellence.

The attainment of an ATP designation requires the accumulation of a total of 1,500 hours of soaring through the skies. It’s worth noting that this substantial flight time isn’t typically borne solely by the individual; rather, the ATP often graces the licenses of seasoned professionals who have already carved impressive paths in their aviation careers.

In this realm of aviation, it’s heartening to remember that there are a multitude of fulfilling roles that exclusively necessitate a commercial pilot license, each with its own allure and significance.

When considering the financial aspect of acquiring the ATP, you’ll find a heartening aspect—the cost of flight training is notably approachable due to the streamlined nature of the process. With a significant flight hour count of 1,500, an applicant is likely to possess a wealth of experience. Typically, less than 20 hours of Flight training are needed to refine skills in preparation for the crucial check-ride. For pilots who may not be extensively versed in instrument flying, a touch more time might be required, as the ATP assessment places a strong emphasis on instrument proficiency.

The written examination, while formidable, finds its conquerors through diligent study programs and periodic consultations with adept flight instructors. The road to success in this aspect may be challenging, but it serves as a testament to the dedication that fuels a pilot’s progression.

Should you embark on this journey independently, a reasonable budget to consider would be around $5,000. However, if your aspirations align with becoming an airline pilot, a silver lining awaits—the ATP certificate’s cost is often sponsored by the airline that welcomes you into its fold. This journey, replete with dedication and accomplishment, unfolds as a tapestry woven with the threads of experience, knowledge, and the allure of soaring among the clouds.


In the pursuit of becoming a pilot, the financial investment encompasses a range of considerations, shaped by your chosen path and the desired level of expertise. Whether aiming for a private pilot license, instrument rating, commercial pilot certification, or even the pinnacle of an airline transport pilot designation, each step resonates with its own unique allure and associated costs. From the foundational training to the advanced skill-building, the journey is an investment not only in finances but also in skill, passion, and the privilege of navigating the boundless skies. While costs may vary, the rewards of piloting are immeasurable, culminating in the mastery of flight and the fulfillment of a captivating aviation dream.


What are the typical costs associated with becoming a pilot?

The costs of becoming a pilot can vary widely depending on factors like the type of pilot’s license you’re pursuing, the flight school you choose, and the location. On average, obtaining a private pilot license can range from $8,000 to $15,000, while pursuing a commercial pilot license might cost between $30,000 and $70,000.

Are there any hidden expenses beyond flight training?

Yes, there can be Costs beyond flight training itself. These might include books and study materials, medical examinations, exam fees, aircraft rental, fuel costs, and even transportation to and from the flight school.

Is financial assistance available for aspiring pilots?

Absolutely! Many aspiring pilots explore options such as aviation scholarships, grants, and loans to help cover the costs of their training. Some flight schools might also offer financing or payment plans.

How can I keep the costs manageable while pursuing a pilot’s license?

To manage costs effectively, consider budgeting for your training, researching different flight schools to find competitive pricing, and potentially joining aviation organizations that offer discounts or scholarships. Also, try to maintain a consistent training schedule to make the most of your flight time.

Can I become a pilot while still working a full-time job?

Certainly! Many flight schools offer flexible training schedules that allow you to work around your job commitments. However, keep in mind that balancing work and flight training might extend the overall time it takes to complete your training.

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