How Much Does It Cost For A Tattoo Removal?

If you’ve ever considered getting a tattoo, you’re likely aware of the rich history and cultural significance behind this art form. Tattoos have been a part of human expression for centuries, with skilled artists using ink to create stunning designs on the skin’s dermal layer. The term “tattoo” itself has intriguing origins, hailing from the Tahitian word “tatau.”

Throughout the ages, tattoos have played diverse roles. They’ve served as powerful conduits for cultural and spiritual expression, marked significant life milestones, and added a touch of personal style. Over time, tattoos have evolved from symbols of rebellion to symbols of acceptance, embraced by society at large.

In the modern era, tattooing has benefited from advanced technology and rigorous hygiene standards. A wide array of styles is at your fingertips, from classic and tribal designs to realistic portraits, captivating watercolor effects, and abstract masterpieces. But tattoos are more than just art; they often hold deep personal significance, representing one’s experiences, beliefs, or affiliations.

Now, you might be wondering, “How much does it cost for a tattoo removal?” It’s a valid question, especially for those considering a change in their inked narrative. Tattoo removal is a process that involves laser technology to gradually fade and remove the tattoo. The cost of removal can vary depending on factors such as the size and color of the tattoo, as well as the number of sessions required. Generally, it can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

cost of laser tattoo removal

cost of laser tattoo removal

The cost of laser tattoo removal can vary widely from one individual to another, typically falling within the range of approximately $200 to $500 per treatment session. It’s important to note that this is a general estimate, and the exact cost for your specific situation should be discussed with our experienced professionals. 

Numerous factors influence the final price you may incur, and we’ll detail these considerations below, along with some strategies to potentially lower your expenses.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Laser Tattoo Removal

Factors Affecting the Cost of Laser Tattoo Removal

The number of sessions required to completely remove the ink is the primary determinant of the cost of laser tattoo removal. Other significant factors also play a role. 

Based on the tattoo’s score, the Kirby-Desai Tattoo Removal Scale can often be utilized for estimating the number of sessions required. A higher score indicates the need for extra treatments need to be given.

Several tattoo attributes play a vital role in estimating the overall time and cost for removal:

Tattoo Size:
Larger tattoos typically require more sessions for removal, but size alone is not the sole price determinant. For example, a larger all-black tattoo may cost less to remove than a smaller, multi-colored one. Nevertheless, larger tattoos do generally come with higher costs. It’s also possible to remove larger tattoos in segments to ease the financial burden.

Ink Color:
Different ink colors present distinct challenges. Blues and greens are generally more resistant to removal, while black ink is easier to eliminate, necessitating fewer sessions. Multicolored tattoos demand specialized lasers for each hue, prolonging treatment times.

Tattoo Quality:
Professional-grade inks placed deeper in the skin prove more stubborn to remove than amateur ink closer to the surface.

Tattoo Age:
Fresh tattoos require more to fade with a laser than older tattoos that have begun to do so.

Tattoo Location:
Given that the body has a smaller capacity able to pour out ink particles, tattoos in spots with poor blood circulation—like fingers, toes, and ears—require a longer duration of time to be erased.

Design Complexity:
Eliminating an individual, tightly assembled tattoo generally requires shorter periods than erasing a complicated design with multiple pieces that need to be looked at and handled individually.

Number of Treatments:
The number of sessions required for complete tattoo removal significantly impacts the overall cost. On average, many individuals undergo approximately six sessions to remove a tattoo. The number of sessions may vary based on factors such as tattoo color and complexity. 

At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa, we employ PiQo4 technology to efficiently address and eliminate various colors within your tattoo, streamlining the process.

Kirby-Desai Scale Score:
The Kirby-Desai Scale provides insight into the complexity of the removal process. It assesses factors such as the tattoo’s color detail and the presence of scarring around the site. Tattoos located in certain areas of the body may also affect the removal cost.  A higher Kirby-Desai Scale score corresponds to a higher removal cost.

Skin Type:
Tattoo removal is generally more straightforward on lighter skin. If you have fair skin with a dark or black tattoo, you can typically expect lower removal costs. Skin color alone does not solely determine the overall treatment’s ease or cost-effectiveness. Other factors like scarring also come into play, so we recommend consulting our professionals for a comprehensive assessment.

Removal Methods: 
Various methods exist for tattoo removal, but laser treatment is one of the most gentle, effective, and cost-efficient options. Unlike expensive surgical or painful chemical removal procedures, laser treatments are less harsh on both your skin and your finances. 

At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa, we proudly offer the advanced PiQo4 treatment for tattoo removal, which effectively targets all tattoo areas, providing a comfortable and efficient solution for complete removal.

Let’s delve into how this process operates.

Let's delve into how this process operates.

Pico harnesses the power of both Pico and Nano laser technologies to effectively eliminate the pigments within your old tattoo. These two complementary technologies address different aspects of tattoo removal, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the process.

Pico Pulses: Pico pulses precisely target and remove smaller bits of color and ink from the skin’s surface.

Nano Pulses: Nano pulses penetrate deeply into the epidermis, ensuring the complete removal of all ink particles.

By combining these Pico and Nano technologies, PiQo4 leaves no room for your old tattoo to remain. It effectively erases any trace of your previous ink, resulting in a complete removal.

Targeted Lasers: Both the Nano and Pico lasers are designed to specifically focus on the elements of the tattoo that require removal. The lasers are highly targeted, and their short, deliberate pulses penetrate deeply into the skin. 

The PiQo4 system delivers ten times more energy compared to standard lasers, enhancing its efficiency. This precision targeting also minimizes the time spent during each treatment session, making the process more comfortable for you.

Smart Wavelength: Unlike previous tattoo removal technologies that were primarily effective on black or dark ink, the PiQo4 system tackles this challenge innovatively. It utilizes smart wavelength technology with four different wavelengths, ensuring that all shades and colors of your old tattoo are effectively targeted and removed. 

After completing your PiQo4 treatments, you’ll be left with smooth, blemish-free skin, without a trace of your previous tattoo.

Efficient Penetration: Traditional tattoo removal treatments have often been associated with discomfort and lengthy procedures. PiQo4 treatments, on the other hand, revolutionize the process by delivering swift and gentle tattoo removal. 

These treatments yield significant results in a shorter time frame, thanks to deeply penetrating lasers that swiftly identify and remove coloration spots from your old tattoo. The end result is a radiant, flawless complexion once all treatments are completed.

Anticipate During the Treatment

Anticipate During the Treatment

Choosing PiQo4 laser treatment offers a notably gentler experience compared to traditional tattoo removal methods. This advanced technology ensures a significantly improved overall experience and quicker recovery. Here’s what you can expect:

Treatment Duration: Each PiQo4 laser treatment typically lasts about 20 minutes or less. The efficiency of this technology minimizes the time you spend in the treatment room.

Recovery: Virtually no recovery time is needed once your treatment is complete. Feel free to go back to your usual daily routines right away.

Post-Treatment Sensations: Some patients may notice slight redness and warmth in the treated area after the session. These sensations usually subside within an hour or two. If you experience mild redness, applying a cool ice pack to the area and taking some rest can help. In most cases, you should feel like your usual self within a few hours.

Any Concerns: If redness persists or you encounter any discomfort, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff. We are here to assist you and provide guidance on any concerns you may have. We place the utmost importance on your comfort and well-being.

Exploring Cost-Effective Alternatives for Tattoo Removal

Dermabrasion is one less common option for tattoo removal. In this approach, a skilled technician employs a rotating device to eliminate ink by gently sanding away the top and middle skin layers. It’s important to note that this method may not always deliver desired results, and it can be quite painful. 

Substantial healing time is typically required between sessions. Costs for dermabrasion can vary significantly, ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. The final expense depends on factors such as the tattoo’s size, location, age, and the number of treatment sessions needed.

Surgical excision is another alternative, which involves removing the tattoo by cutting away the affected skin. This method is most effective for small tattoos, but it does leave behind noticeable scarring. As surgical excision often requires local or general anesthesia, it tends to be more costly than laser treatments. 

Anecdotal information from Charlotte, North Carolina, suggests an approximate cost of $1750 for forearm tattoo removal through excision.

For cosmetic tattoos, including permanent makeup like eyebrow filler, eyeliner, and lipstick, there are additional considerations. These tattoos are typically smaller and tend to fade after 1 to 3 years due to the different chemical composition of the “pigment” (cosmetic ink), which remains closer to the skin’s surface. With some patience, you may find that the tattoo fades naturally without the need for removal.

If you prefer not to wait, technicians can employ methods such as saline injections, glycolic acid, or specialized lasers to break down cosmetic tattoos. According to PMU Hub, a resource for permanent makeup artists, the average costs are around $215 for laser removal, $250 for saline, and $400 for glycolic acid treatments. These alternatives offer more cost-effective solutions for those seeking to remove cosmetic tattoos.

Estimating Tattoo Removal Duration
How Much Does It Cost For A Tattoo Removal?

The time required for complete tattoo removal hinges on the type of laser utilized by the tattoo removal facility. Two commonly employed laser types include:

Q-switched Nd: Yag Lasers: These lasers can effectively remove tattoos without causing scarring. The process may necessitate between 10 to 15 treatment sessions.

Picosecond Lasers: These newer machines can achieve tattoo removal in a shorter time frame, typically in just five to seven treatments. Their efficacy is attributed to the considerably shorter duration of the laser beam’s contact with the skin. This allows for the breakup of tattoo particles into much smaller pieces compared to Q-switched lasers.

Tattoo color also plays a significant role in determining removal duration. To ensure successful removal, it’s essential to seek a tattoo removal service that specializes in your tattoo’s specific colors. Dr. Katz notes, “To adequately remove these tattoos, you need the right wavelength laser to address those specific colors.

If individuals seek offices that lack the appropriate variety of lasers, the treatment process may be prolonged, and complete removal may not be achievable due to certain colors being less responsive.” Selecting a service with expertise in the full spectrum of tattoo colors can help expedite and enhance the removal process.

Laser Tattoo Removal and the Likelihood of Scarring

The possibility of scarring as a result of laser tattoo removal is exceedingly rare. Maintaining proper aftercare for the treated area can significantly expedite the healing process and minimize the risk of scarring or potential infections.

Here are some key aftercare guidelines:

Gentle Cleaning: Post-treatment, gently clean the area with mild soap and then pat it dry before applying any antibiotic ointments.

Showering: It’s generally acceptable to shower a few hours after the procedure. Submerging or bathing the area in swimming pools or hot baths should be avoided, as this may increase the risk of infection and scarring.

It’s essential to emphasize that the occurrence of scarring is extremely uncommon and rare in the context of laser tattoo removal. At our clinic, we employ laser technologies that do not pose a risk of scarring, such as IPL, which targets not only the tattoo but also the surrounding skin. This commitment to safety and precision minimizes the potential for undesirable side effects.


The cost of tattoo removal can vary significantly based on a range of factors, including the tattoo’s size, color, location, age, and complexity. Generally, individuals can anticipate spending between $200 and $500 per treatment session, with the number of sessions required for complete removal depending on the specific tattoo and the technology used.

While the expense of tattoo removal may seem daunting, it’s essential to consider the potential benefits and personal reasons for pursuing removal. Consulting with a professional is advisable to receive an accurate cost estimate tailored to your unique situation. Ultimately, the cost of tattoo removal is an investment in achieving a fresh start and the opportunity to embrace a tattoo-free canvas, which many find invaluable.


How much does tattoo removal cost on average?

On average, the cost of tattoo removal can vary widely depending on various factors, including the size, color, and complexity of the tattoo. You can typically expect to pay between $200 and $500 per treatment session.

What factors influence the cost of tattoo removal?

Several factors influence the cost of tattoo removal. These factors include the size of the tattoo, the number of treatments required, the tattoo’s age, its location on the body, the ink color, and the type of laser used.

Does the size of the tattoo affect the cost of removal?

Yes, the size of the tattoo is a significant cost factor. Larger tattoos require more laser time and are generally more expensive to remove than smaller ones.

Does the ink color impact the cost of removal?

Yes, the color of the ink in the tattoo affects the cost. Typically, darker ink is easier and less expensive to remove than lighter or multicolored ink. Multicolored tattoos often require specialized lasers for each color, which can extend the duration and cost of removal.

What role does the tattoo’s location play in the cost of removal?

The tattoo’s location on the body can influence the cost. Tattoos in areas with limited blood circulation, such as fingers, toes, and ears, can take longer to remove due to the reduced ability of the body to flush out ink particles.

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